Monday 9 Jan 2017

3 Steps to Software Adoption

3 Steps to Software Adoption: Change

You Bought It...Now How Do You Get Your Team to Use it? Purchasing new software is the easy part. Getting your team to fully adopt the software is the ultimate indicator of success.

Hello Shiny New Manager of Public Relations. Nice to meet you.

After the pleasantries of your welcome have died down and you analyze the state of your department for operational efficiencies you realized that unless you have a better PR software system in place you will never be able to efficiently organize your workload, demonstrate your team’s efforts and keep track of your approved statements.

You make your case to the VP and have their approval.

Procurement has signed off and the shiny new software you want to put into place is all yours!

"Team, " you say "we are going to be using this new software to make all our PR workflow super easy and we start today."

You log in, your team log in and presto! Everyone begins using the software (queue happy music) and all is right in your public relations world for the remainder of your career. What? You don't believe me?  Yeah, I don't either.  In this scenario the euphoria lasts for all of 10 seconds.

The Reality of Change

The reality of change is none of us want to deal with it. Even changes we perceive as good causes a level of anxiety and trepidation which can manifest it into a wall of resistance.

The success of your department is tied very closely to the adoption of this software and the team actually using it as a key tool in their daily workflow.

Most software implementations fail because the change hits one or more of these resistance barriers:

  1. The team is fearful of this new software because they have never heard of it and now they are required to use it.
  2. The sense that now one's job is on the line because this software is going to "expose" their shortcomings.
  3. The implementation of this software is smack dab in the middle of the "busy season."
  4. New manager, new software...what does this new person know? The new manager has not yet earned the team's trust.
  5. This decision was made in a vacuum and the team has had no input or warning that change was afoot.

So, what is a shiny new manager to do? Get your team involved from the start and the road to adoption will be met with minimal to no resistance.

Evaluation & Participation

First understand the team’s concerns with the change you are about to implement. Lay the foundation for the team to trust you.

  • What is the history of your team with change?
  • Listen to concerns without being dismissive.
  • Explain how this will impact the team
  • Explain how this ties into the overall business goals

Second involve the key players on your team in the decision-making process.

  • Find out what the pain points are for the team
  • Collaboratively create a wish list of features
  • Prioritize the wish list
  • Have each person bring back 2-3 suggestions for the group to evaluate.

Third explain the goals and how the team can meet those goals

  • Having a clear strategy will allow the team to see how each person and tool contributes to the overall success of the team.
  • Provide SMART (Specific, Measureable, Achievable, Relevant & Time-Bound) goals to ensure the expectations are clearly outlined within the team and outside of the team.

Having the team participate in the decision of the change helps the transition with little resistance. All that remains is how individuals are predisposed toward change.

Providing input equates to a level of ownership in the final decision.

Providing a roadmap of the strategy and the goals equates to team members who are empowered.

Now that the software has arrived ensure:

  1. Everyone has proper training
  2. Performance goals are tied to the use of the software
  3. Monitor team input for clean data entry
  4. Recognize and reward successful outcomes
  5. Integrate the software into your daily workflow

Adoption takes time. Having built a foundation of support with the team ahead of time gives everyone the best opportunity to adapt to the change. Actively involving the team in the decision to make a change means they will participate in making the change a reality.

Looking for software to manage your PR efforts effortlessly? Check us out! We are PRgloo, we are #PRMadeEasy