Thursday 29 Mar 2018

PRgloo Swap today for free in 3 Simple Steps

PRgloo Swap today for free in 3 Simple Steps: make-life-easier

PRgloo, the 5 star communications software, is making PR teams across the country very happy with our painless 'Three Step Swap' process. 

Step #1 Hand in your notice

Step 1 hand in your notice

If you have 12 months or less to go on your existing contract, you can move over to PRgloo free of charge. We'll give you a contract and charge you only when your existing contract comes to an end. We'll agree the price beforehand so you won't get some unexpected bill which you have not budgeted for.  As we have a 98% customer retention rate, we're happy to take the financial hit year one - we feel sure once you try PRgloo you won't want to leave. 

Step #2 Procure us via the G-Cloud

Step 2 Procure PRgloo

Hate time consuming procurement processes? PRgloo are on the G-Cloud which is open to all local authorities. It includes a standard pre-approved contract and comes with a full Service Level Agreement ensuring you are 100% supported. We also have a special pricing structure for councils and NHS bodies. 

Step #4 Give us your data to import

Step 3 Give us your data

We make the transfer process simple and quick. Give us your archived call log data, lists of journalists and stakeholders and archived press releases and we'll do the rest. You then get full training from one of our friendly customer support team to get you up and running in no time. 

Step #4 (OK we lied - but this is a nice step) Sit back and relax into PRgloo*

Collected (1)

We're looking forward to making your already tough job a little bit easier. 

* slippers not included in PRgloo annual fee 

Want to know more? 

To find out more about PRgloo please visit our website,  read our reviews, watch this short video or just give us a call for a 20 minute online demo.