Wednesday 28 Apr 2021

PRgloo Helping You Out of Lockdown (The Epic Movie)

PRgloo Helping You Out of Lockdown (The Epic Movie): epic-prgloo-movie-thumbnail-2

It's been epic. The pandemic, the heartache, the four walls, the increased workloads, the kids, the ironing board for a desk, the zoom fatigue, the constant itch of the mask... 

View the EPIC movie here

At PRgloo we're here to help our comms colleagues who are still in the depths, or who are slowly coming out of lockdown into the light, with software that works, a support team that supports and a marketing movie to make you laugh. 

Don't cough...

As we begin to mix up home working with office visits, there are two constants: don't cough in public (for fear you'll be sanitised to a stub) and DO use PRgloo to maintain consistency of communications. See all of your enquiries, releases, statements, coverage, contacts and reports in one place and get your news out there to the people that count. 

Show off your stuff...

As you try and adjust to your new waistline, feel safe in the fact that by using PRgloo you can be transparent with your team without being necessarily seen by your team. Show off your stuff by allowing PRgloo to automatically link coverage to the amazing release or inciteful statement which you created. 

Emerge confident...

In the fact that your communication team (wherever they operate from now) are all working collaboratively on tools which will help them carry on communicating into whatever new world we find ourselves in. 

Find out more 

PRgloo is a communication platform for people on the frontline of comms. Use us to keep track of enquiries and statements, push out engaging releases and newsletters, research journalists, power online newsrooms, link your coverage to your effort and generally save you time and sanity. Prices start from as little as £3,000pa. 

Trophy Customers